In a small pan add some water and take it to the stove add the tomatoes, once the water is boiling and the skin of the tomatoes are coming off, its time to add the chile guajillo already seedless and with out the tail.
MEXICAN WHITE RICE CHECK THE VIDEO ABOUT HOW TO MAKE QUESO FRESCO AT HOME let me share with you some amazing recipes. Just add a little bit at the time mix it up. (this is my favorite trick of all, when my food is either spicy or salty, this works amazing. WHAT CAN I DO IF THE SAUCE IS SPICY FOR MY FAMILY? Yes, this sauce you could even freeze it with no problem for up to a month. GARLIC: as every Mexican meal onion and garlic never can be left out.so the rule is that for every 3 chiles guajillos that you use, you need 1 tomato. TOMATOES: i love using Roma tomatoes, they have a good flavor plus they are inexpensive.but you can half the recipe if you have a smaller family. CHILE GUAJILLO: this chile you can find it on the aisle where the spices are.I feed a family of 6 so I use 6 chiles.SOURCREAM: this is an optional ingredient BUT they taste delicious.but the traditional enchiladas Montadas are made in a small tortillas. TORTILLAS: you can use the normal standar sizeif you would like.This enchiladas montada recipes are so easy to make, is one of those recipes that you can make in minutes and it a very frugal recipe, INGREDIENTS: Are you looking for a frugal easy yummy recipe? this enchiladas montadas recipe is the best recipe for it.